BBS Clinics Service

BBS UK together with...
  • Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital (GOSH)
  • Guys & St Thomas's Hospital London (GSTT)
  • Birmingham Children’s Hospital (BCH)
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEH)
...are commissioned by NHS England to provide multi-disciplinary clinics for Bardet-Biedl syndrome patients.

At each clinic, patients are seen by an Ophthalmologist, Nephrologist, Dietician, Clinical Psychologist, Geneticist, Speech and Language Therapist and Endocrinologist; the aim is to provide a ‘one stop’ annual visit to ensure patients receive specialised and expert attention and management and should bring about a major change in how BBS is managed, with a focus on diagnosis, early intervention, and good health management.

The aims of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome UK within BBS Clinics are:
  • To maximise access to NHS-provided services for patients with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS)
  • To provide support for patients affected by BBS and their families.
  • To provide information relating to services provided for patients with BBS and relevant health promotion and lifestyle information to maximise the health and life chances of people living with BBS.
BBS UK is an integral member of this valued multi-disciplinary team (MDT) providing specialist professional services including:
  • Provision of a database
  • Coordination of clinical services
  • Patient advocacy
  • Engagement in service delivery
  • Patient support
  • Provision of information.

Our service provides information and support to the patients and their families/carers before, during and after clinics.  Its involvement pre-clinic ensures that patients, their families and carers are well informed about the syndrome and feel well supported to attend.

BBS UK representatives attend each clinic, offering emotional and practical support to patients and their families and ensure that they are aware of all relevant benefits and social support services.  Post clinic they provide ongoing support and liaise between patient and hospital where required and generally provide an ongoing point of contact.

It is recommended that all patients with a suspected diagnosis of BBS should be referred to one of these centres.

Meet the Team

BBS UK Clinic's Support Team

Patient Liaison Officer
Patient Liaison Officer
Patient Liaison Officer
BBS UK Social Worker / Patient Liaison Officer
Operations Manager

Feedback from the BBS UK Clinic Service

Home Monitoring Equipment

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, NHS funding has been secured to provide home testing equipment for those attending the specialist BBS clinics.

This will enable some of the monitoring and tests that are usually done in hospital, for example, blood pressure, weight and height to be done at home. As circumstances surrounding the pandemic improve, face to face clinics will return, however this scheme will continue as it supports the telemedicine service and gives clinicians the opportunity to review results in advance of seeing a patient.

A webinar hosted by professionals and clinicians from the WAAB Community (Wolfram, Alström & Bardet Biedl Syndrome) folllows. This is a useful resource which explains how the scheme works and provides live demonstrations on how to use the equipment.

BBS Clinic Evaluation Forms

As part of our contract with NHS England, we are required to independently evaluate the specialised multi-disciplinary clinics.

We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete a questionnaire about your experience at your most recent clinic. Please click below to complete the Clinic Evaluation form and to provide your feedback.

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