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Woman looking at the camera wearing a white and black striped top.

Emma Hughes


Emma Hughes joined as a trustee in November 2024 at which time she was also voted in as the chair.

Emma lives in a small village outside Petersfield in Hampshire, with her husband Phillip, two sons Charlie and Archie, dog Max and cat Zebe. She enjoys spending time with family and friends particularly going to live music and comedy gigs, finding new places to eat and movie nights at home with her children.

Emma has worked at Thomas Pocklington Trust, a national sight loss charity, since 2008 and has been at the forefront of the development and delivery of their services. In her role as Director of Services, Emma is passionate about ensuring that blind and partially sighted people are at the centre of all their activities. The Sight Loss Councils, Student Support Service, Works for Me employment service and Get Set Progress internship programme have all involved blind and partially sighted people in their formation. Emma believes that the voices of lived experience are essential in providing responsive, effective services and support.

Emma is excited about the prospect of working alongside the trustees, staff team and volunteers at Bardet-Biedl Syndrome UK, and to continue their inspiring work to support people with BBS, their families and carers.